
giovedì 1 ottobre 2015

Wip Khorgos Khul, Mighty Lord Of Khorne and stuff

Hi to everybody!
Today a small post about what I'm working on, the Big Khorne Lord of Age Of Sigmar. I like the fact that GW put in his Name a citation -if I remember well,  Khul was a chaos tribe in WHFB, good old times, correct me if I'm wrong- and the strange fact that he has a pet.
Today, due the fact that I was writing this post, I searched in the Internet the name of this boy and I found that also 'eavy metal had decided to paint the bloody dog more or less with my painting scheme so, I'm a bit sad that my idea is not new -ok find a new idea is almost impossible,  but don't let me be philosophical-and I surely have seen the 'eavy metal one, but I did not remember it when I was painting the hound(probably I stored the imput in my memory and used it unconsciously): not bad because I like the result(here why I stored the painting scheme).
There are a lot of small things to do, a bit of highlights and shadows, some imperfection to correct, finish the axe and add blood and dirty but the main idea is this.
And here a unit shoot of the Bloody Warriors seen last post with a black background. I'm not a great painter but I'm a bit proud of them.
Ah I'working on the next tutorial, I hope you'like it because it is going to be based on one of my favourite miniature.

What do you think? Any advice? 

5 commenti:

  1. Nice work. I really like the Hound and the subtle red tones on him. Not surprised GW stole your paint scheme for it ;)

    1. Ahah lovely interpretation, I can resell it in this way (don't know if in english this phrase has a sense, in my language means clumsily " I can tell to everybody this interpretation give by you to me"!)!

    2. Ah and thanks a lot of course!

  2. Much better with the darker background! Very nice!
