
martedì 19 aprile 2016

Wip: Skitarii Army!

Today, as promise, the wip of my small Skitarii army. As already said I decided to change the colours, because I like to try to twist classic painting scheme, and also it is a great challenge to paint red without being too much "happy".

Furthermore I also change how I paint, because generally I start with a unit, then another and so on, and I paint for each unit the champion as the last mini: now I started three unit and all the champion are painted!

The results are slowly arriving: 10 of 21 men are painted and half of the Onager is done.
Here the Vanguard And the Ranger: the scheme is simple but I hope effective with a red and old metal.

The Onager is very fun: I thought it was hard to assemble but luckily it had been not too much painful. Some post ago I've made a mistake: Onager is the second vehicle on my table, the first had been the Raider!

The vallejo matt red, using the classical chipping effect -used on space scum- weirdly melted, creating a strange effect.

As you can see there are a lot to correct.

The base is done, it is the larger base I have ever painted! It needs only a hand of pigment fixer, that is going to fade away a bit of pigment making better the base.

I cannot resist to do a small mod on the Onager, so I put the gatling on the side and I attached a small wire: simple, but make a bit more unique the model. Also I decided to not add more details to underline the line of the vehicle: I do not like too much too many things on it!

I have decided to sell them, so I hope they are going to be pleasant: the space scum sell is a record, after 7 days more or less they leave my table! Sorry for this phrases, but it make me very proud if someone thinks that my minis are worth of being bought, and more if in so small amount of time! And mini so fun to do, I've new ideas for other units, but now I must finish those Skitarii.

Any suggestion or opinion?

2 commenti:

  1. I love the melted effect. Sometimes accidents become techniques in the future :). Army is coming along very nicely!

    1. Thanks Greg! I really do not know why it happens, maybe because Vallejo Matt Red needs more time to dry, or their vynil nature reacts weirdly to the Mig chipping effect, but luckily the result is not horrible, and I'm glad you like it.
