
lunedì 16 maggio 2016

Wip: Ultramarines -and skitarii of course-!

I know that I should finish my Skitarii but recently are arrived a lot of new funny toys so I could not resist to try them.

I started to paint my first space marines with airbrush!
The work is not very simple: i spent a bit of time in understand how much water down the colours and the distance to paint.

I  decided to try the classical Ultramarine painting scheme but I really cannot stand the gold / blue scheme, so I decided to use metal instead of gold.

The result are quite interesting to be the first minis, and I want underline that the shadows are painted, not given by light!

Surely I should understand how much add light because after this, I suppose that a bit more could be better.

As you can see I did not resist to add some scratch and spot and I suppose I'll add also other weathering etc.
Clean the airbrush is very messy, I should improve it and also use a mask: a lot of colour is flying around you and smell it is not very fun, also if it is water based so not toxic!
After a day I remeber that I got this nice colour:

This could be a nice compromise between the classic gold and my metal: so I decided to use it -with other colours of course-, the only leadbelcher is not sufficient for them.

I know that those are not too much dgd, but this is my first airbrush job, I must learn the bases then I'll bend it!
The white gold gives a less tawdry looking to them - I do not like iper gold, if you remember my stormcast eternals LoL- and I really love those range of metals, but they are going to destroy your brush if you decide to use them.

The Skitarii is going a bit slowly but the rangers are finally finished- soon the showcase- the dominus and the pan-head robots (did not remenber the name) have almost finished base, here a partial finished army shoot!

 I can see the light out at the end of the tunnel!!!

What do you think?

4 commenti:

  1. Airbrush is like wrestling a beast. Sometimes it loves you and works with you, and everything flows perfectly. Other days it jams and clogs, and sprays all over your models. Marines look great :)

    1. Thanks Greg!
      The lonely day that I used it, it behaved like a puppy: I'm feared by the wrestler beast that could appear in the future! Indeed also the colours are very angry, but I hope that with experience I'll train them.

    2. If you can control temp/humidity, the beast will usually stay quiet in the compressor. (until you try a new paint, or new mix).

      I've painted nearly half my walkers without a single issue, then tried to prime something the next day and the brush clogged every 45 seconds. Just greggles things!

    3. I hope that the humidity filter is going to control it for me -the humidity- because I have no idea abuot how doing it!
