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Visualizzazione post con etichetta dirty. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 8 settembre 2016

Showcase: Space Scum second wave!

A small post on what I have finished few hours ago, the second wave of the space scum project!
 You alredy know the first wave and the chief of this wave, however here the result!

mercoledì 17 agosto 2016

Wip: Space Scum Reloaded and Imperial Knight!!!

Yes, I am alive! Well this month has been very busy due holiday, work, painting and thing: however I'm now here to write something, namely what's on my table.

mercoledì 29 giugno 2016

Wip: Space Scum reloaded!

Hi readers!
Today another short post about what I'm doing, the second wave of the Space Scum project. I'm very busy also because I'm preparing everything  for Holidays that are coming and at work, the days are very full, so the progress is quite small.

giovedì 23 giugno 2016

Tutorial: fast and easy rust!

Hi to everybody!
Finally another  tutorial -ok more a sharing of ideas-. I'm painting the protagonist of the last chapter of the Chronicles of Caelum VII, , so I decided to share how I paint the rust. As always the lines of the tutorial are imperfection, fast, cheap and fun! Quick and dirty is the way.

venerdì 1 aprile 2016

Showcase: space scum army shoots!

Hi readers!
As promise here some unit shoot and army shoot -a bit in late-! I like the result they are messy and dirty,  but they seems a small gory army I suppose. As already said they are on sales so if you are interested check it out!

mercoledì 30 marzo 2016

Showcase: space scum the Blind Ones (complete)

Hi readers!
Finally I've finished the last unit of the space scum project, the blind ones.
To be honest they were the first unit started but I finished first the second unit.
So lets show the pics!
Maybe tomorrow some unit shoot, an army shoot and the eBay link -I decided to sell them lastly!
What do you think?


martedì 22 marzo 2016

Showcase: Space Scum, whom slither in the filth (complete) with Ach'k' the choosen.

Hi readers!
Finally I've finished the first unit of the space scum army, and I'm ready to show it! It has been a different job from my classic one because I spent more time in thinking and "sculpting" the minis than in painting, but the result has been extremely satisfing - and I hope pleasant- so I'm quite proud abouth them. As always there is a lot to improve, but I like that those minis are in full DGD style!

All the project is born without a precise idea, and minis after minis I decided what to do. I advice you to try this approach to the hobby: it is very relaxing and it helps a lot if you are in a "down" of the hobby - when you are not too much motivated-, because you have no costrain in nothing, only have fun, pure hobby!
So, here the results. One of this minis is the protagonist of chapter III of the Chronicles, check it if you want!

Whom slither in the filth unit!

giovedì 3 marzo 2016

Showcase: space scum, Whom Slither in the Filth

If the last week has been slow and lazy, this one has been a bit more productive.  I've finished the first three members of the second unit of my army space scum.

I continue to call them an army but I do not know where I'm going.

giovedì 18 febbraio 2016

Wip: Space scum!

Hi readers!
As you have already understood I'm working on a weird ensemble of minis to make somenthing of very dgd, applying somewhere a bit of fluff. As already said I really do not know where I'm going because I approached this project without any idea except to make funny minis to create and write some -simple- background.

giovedì 11 febbraio 2016

Tutorial: how to paint fast and dirty plaguebearers and/or nurgle daemons

Hi readers!
I've finished my plaguebearers so, for the monthly tutorial I've decided to share how I painted them because it is simple (extremely few colours!), fast, imho good looking (for the effort) gruesome of course! You can easily use this colour scheme for every nurgle thing you want but also for every rotting walking corpse of course!
I did not like too much the extremely green way of painting, so I managed to try a slightly green colour scheme: hoping you'll find it interesting!

lunedì 8 febbraio 2016

Showcase: space scum, Ach'k' the Choosen and the Blind Ones

Hi readers!
Today a showcase of my last work, a group of mutant things arriving straight from my mind!

I've been always interesting in hobbysts that made incredible dark and scary minis customizing existing miniature with extreme kitbashing, so I decided that it was my turn to try this.

martedì 26 gennaio 2016

Showcase: Nurgle Plaguebearers

Today I'll show my Plaguebearers!
I really enjoyed to paint them and also if you are an imperial straight age, I advice you to paint those boys because they are extremely funny: since the painting of the Kabalite warriors I've never enjoyed so much as already said.

venerdì 25 dicembre 2015

Tutorial: fast Earthy simple basing

Hi readers!
For the monthly tutorial, today I'll show my Kabal basing, a simple and fast way to make an earthy base with a nice results (IMHO).

I'm always in search of a base style that it has natural and looking, because I like those kinds of bases, and I do not like that a base seems fake.

giovedì 8 ottobre 2015

Tutorial: How to Paint Gory and Dirty Zombies!

Hi to everybody!
Today I'll show a fast and effective method to paint zombie but, you can easily turn this painting scheme to everybody who needs to be "corpsey". As always there are only ideas that I want to share, hoping to be helpful: out of this blog there is many painters and Painters better than me.

martedì 8 settembre 2015

Showcase: Hellpit Abomination

Today I'll show you a big boy, a Skaven Hellpit Abomination. I've sold him (him???) on eBay last month, and it has been veeeeery funny to paint.
The advice that I can give to you if you decide to paint this monster, is to mix colours and technique because for this big model, it is easy to make an anonymous work. It is a big rat that lives with other rats in disgusting place, so it is impossible that his skin could be soft and pink.
Ah, if you want to make different parts with different colours, use the great quantity of cuts and scars to interrupt the colours: in this way it is simple fast and natural.
I also used many little mouses that you can find into the box because I wanted to give the idea that those little rats are eating a bit the Hellpit (but he doesn't care, he his too much big and badass).

DGD Levels
Dark: 2/5
Gory: 4/5
Dirty: 4,7/5

mercoledì 2 settembre 2015

Tutorial: how to paint Age Of Sigmar Khorne Bloodreavers

Today, as promise, I'll share my way to paint bloodreavers. It is a semi-fast method. The miniatures are -IMHO- very cool and easy to paint.

sabato 29 agosto 2015

Tutorial: how to create Death Undergrowth

In this tutorial I'll show how to make an insane undergrowth. I think that the base is very useful to give a flavour and atmosphere to you miniatures.