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Visualizzazione post con etichetta tutorial. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 25 agosto 2016

Tutorial: fast bronze ( Imperial Knight part II)

Hi readers!
Second episode of the making of the Imperial Knight. Today, a fast method to do bronze.
The idea is that a part of it is going to be hot, so with the classic violet nuance, the other simply a fast bronze. The first steps are the same.

As you can see I have already paint some parts of the armour: I hope to do the tutorial also for these parts, however at the end of this post you'll find a pic of the work till now with and without making of.

martedì 23 agosto 2016

Tutorial: easy textured metal ( Imperial Knight part I)

Hi you all!
I'm working on the fully magnetized imperal knight. I decided to to a log of painting, doing step by step for some parts, like a kind of tutorial in different posts. As you can see, the title refers to the big project, but also to the part I'm painting, so it is easy to decline it to other minis.

As always the tutorial is not perfect, it is a bunch of idea to listen or trash.

I wanted a subtle metal, that is not going to be the protagonist of the mini, so I decided to make it simple and a bit textured, without extreme lights and shadows.

giovedì 23 giugno 2016

Tutorial: fast and easy rust!

Hi to everybody!
Finally another  tutorial -ok more a sharing of ideas-. I'm painting the protagonist of the last chapter of the Chronicles of Caelum VII, , so I decided to share how I paint the rust. As always the lines of the tutorial are imperfection, fast, cheap and fun! Quick and dirty is the way.

lunedì 20 giugno 2016

Tutorial: 10 tricks to save money!

Hi readers!
Finally I've found time to write down a new tutorial! Ok, this is not a real hobby tutorial, but it is something like "how to", so maybe it has the dignity of having that name.
However some days ago I was changing the strings of my guitar -this is not a useless info, read down!- and I decided to share some tricks I learned hobbying.

giovedì 11 febbraio 2016

Tutorial: how to paint fast and dirty plaguebearers and/or nurgle daemons

Hi readers!
I've finished my plaguebearers so, for the monthly tutorial I've decided to share how I painted them because it is simple (extremely few colours!), fast, imho good looking (for the effort) gruesome of course! You can easily use this colour scheme for every nurgle thing you want but also for every rotting walking corpse of course!
I did not like too much the extremely green way of painting, so I managed to try a slightly green colour scheme: hoping you'll find it interesting!

lunedì 18 gennaio 2016

Tutorial: Fast and Simple Dark Metal

Monthly "tutorial"!
Out there, there are tons of Incredible and complex tutorials about metals made by more skilled and better painters than me: as always if you are in search of the perfect and ultimate tutorial about metals you are in the wrong place, if you want to read a quite fast and simple way to make metals-themed with this blog- you can find some ideas here.

Metals are a strong component of our hobby and more or less everybody is going to face them. In my painter life I used a lot to paint metal as metal, finding some ideas that I keep always with me.

venerdì 25 dicembre 2015

Tutorial: fast Earthy simple basing

Hi readers!
For the monthly tutorial, today I'll show my Kabal basing, a simple and fast way to make an earthy base with a nice results (IMHO).

I'm always in search of a base style that it has natural and looking, because I like those kinds of bases, and I do not like that a base seems fake.

giovedì 26 novembre 2015

Tutorial: How to paint grim Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals Liberators!

Hi to everybody!

As you have seen in the recent posts, my last work are the Age Of Sigmar Liberators.
I've tried some new technique and I've decided to use a small choice of colours, to make them dark and different from the other Liberators you can find -for example the GW's are bright and with a lot of colours, mine are the opposite-. I think also that on the battlefield a "black mass" of those bulky guys has a great visive impact.

I also decided to crack the armours to give an "old but strong " veterans feeling (and I wanted to experimentate that idea).

I decided to share my painting scheme hoping to be helpful. As you'll see, it is simple, fast but IMHO very effective.

giovedì 8 ottobre 2015

Tutorial: How to Paint Gory and Dirty Zombies!

Hi to everybody!
Today I'll show a fast and effective method to paint zombie but, you can easily turn this painting scheme to everybody who needs to be "corpsey". As always there are only ideas that I want to share, hoping to be helpful: out of this blog there is many painters and Painters better than me.

martedì 15 settembre 2015

Tutorial: how to create gory filaments, clots and slime

Today I'll share my technique to make gory filaments, slime and clots, the abc of this blog of course.
First, some theoretical aspects.

mercoledì 2 settembre 2015

Tutorial: how to paint Age Of Sigmar Khorne Bloodreavers

Today, as promise, I'll share my way to paint bloodreavers. It is a semi-fast method. The miniatures are -IMHO- very cool and easy to paint.

sabato 29 agosto 2015

Tutorial: how to create Death Undergrowth

In this tutorial I'll show how to make an insane undergrowth. I think that the base is very useful to give a flavour and atmosphere to you miniatures.

Tutorial: how to create Blood drops

If your blog's name is DarkGoryDirtyWarhammer you cannot start without a post about blood drops!